Piercings for you and safely

You can learn about the origin and meaning of piercings.

Do you want to know the types of piercings you can do?

We have a wide variety of piercing models, for all tastes.

Of course you will find all this at Alex Chiong Tattoo Studio.

Piercing history

Definition and Cultural Significance

Piercing is the practice of creating a hole in a part of the human body to insert earrings or other pieces of jewelry. These modifications reflect cultural, religious, and spiritual values. They also serve as expressions of fashion, eroticism, personal tastes, or identification with a subculture.

Traditional Practices in Western History

Traditionally, women in Western history only had a single hole in the lower lobe of each ear. This was done in childhood and remained for their entire lives, allowing them to wear earrings. However, in other cultures and in the modern Western world, various parts of the body are also pierced in both sexes.

Global Cultural Origins

Different cultures around the world are the cradle of this practice. Piercing often serves as a rite of passage or a sign of belonging to a tribe. It can also indicate that a person has reached maturity.

Eskimo Traditions

The Eskimos originally used labrets. This was a practice for young people transitioning from childhood to adulthood. It signified their readiness to take on responsibilities and go hunting with their elders.

Mursi and Maasai Tribes

In the Mursi and Maasai tribes, specifically among the female population, the oral cavity is deformed with discs to enlarge the mouth. They also lengthen their lobes by carrying large metal reels.

Modern Tribal Practices

Some tribes have inherited these practices from the past. Potok warriors carry a labial disc in their mouth and pierce the nasal septum with a tree leaf. New Guinea women pierce their nostrils and septum with a herringbone, while men carry fish teeth in the septum. Tinglit women pierce their bodies as a sign of the passage from puberty to maturity, especially sexual maturity.

Piercings in Africa

Sioux Tribes’ Warrior Test

In the past, Sioux tribes had a test for youth. They pierced their chest with hooks and hung from trees to lacerate the skin. This demonstrated their readiness to become warriors.

Ancient Maya and Cashinawa Indians

The ancient Maya practiced body modification by piercing the lip, nose, and ears with the most expensive jewelry they could afford. Cashinawa Indians pierced their noses to insert colored feathers, indicating their rank and maturity.

Schedule an appointment now to get pierced!

Our piercing services uniquely enhance your style.. If you’re ready to enhance your look with a new piercing, schedule an appointment with our expert today!

Explore our piercing artist’s work on Instagram: @dr.piercings.

Types of piercings

At Alex Chiong Tattoo Studio we do all kinds of piercings

 Body piercings




Facial piercings






Oral piercings




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Decorate your body